
* Weblog Theological Library Portal (Dutch)
* Weblog Post-kantiaanse gereformeerde theologie (Dutch)
* Linguistical Data of the Greek New Testament
* Publication of the Text of Beza's Latin Translation of the New Testament
* Textual Comparison of Ursinus' Explicationes catechetica

Linguistical Data of the Greek New Testament

The purpose of this project is to provide linguistical data concerning the Greek New Testament. By means of AntConc 3.2 and electronic texts of the Greek New Testament we generate wordlists with statistical data. Students of Biblical Studies can use this in their linguistical research, for example to analyse the idiom of Paul. In order to serve this purpose, the texts are offered in several corpora.
Phm.    Tregelles
1 Tim. Tregelles
2 Tim. Tregelles
Tit. Tregelles
Heb. Tregelles
Jak. Tregelles
1 Pet. Tregelles
2 Pet. Tregelles
1 Joh. Tregelles
2 Joh. Tregelles
3 Joh. Tregelles
Jud. Tregelles
Rev. Tregelles

Publication of the Text of Beza's Latin Translation of the New Testament

This project is a sub of the Bible Software divison of this website. Works of classical christian theology are very often written in Latin and Scripture is cited and explained in Latin. Therefore there is need for a Latin text of the Bible from the high times of classical theology. Because Beza text is very common available and (for the OCR very important) also in 19th century editions, we have chosen his translation. The raw text is the result of an OCR-process of the 1898 edition.

Last updated: september 29, 2010 Beza Latin New Testament

Textual Comparison of Ursinus' Explicationes catechetica

The Explicationes catechetica of Zacharias Ursinus is a work that was published after his death. Several different editions are published with sometimes differences in the text themselves. The aim of this project is to evaluate the textual differences and make it easy to compare the several editions.

     Edition Geneva 1584
Edition Neustadt 1598

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